Blanket throws are a great mix of basic style and comfort.  Not only do they look great, they do a fine job of keeping you warm during those cold days and nights.  Especially during winter. 

Right off the top of my head, I can think of a few great reasons to have a blanket throw around the house.  First, the feeling you get when you're wrapped in one.  Nothing beats wrapped up in a fleece blanket while watching TV in the living room, or perhaps reading a book you've been meaning to get around to.  Maybe you're the type that likes to chat on the phone for hours on end.  Now you can do those things while being wrapped up in warm comfort.  Who doesn't like that?

Ever hate dragging around a blanket back and forth between the bedroom and other areas of your house just to stay warm?  Well now you have the convenience of wearing it.  The blanket literally goes where you go!  You might be asking, if it's heavy.  Absolutely not!  They are extremely light weight and quite honestly, do not get in the way of you doing anything you would normally do.  Another pro in my book, check.

Don't you hate how cold it is in the morning when you get out of bed?  Personally, the first thing I do in the morning, is make coffee.  Hate being cold, so the blanket throw comes into play again.  Throw it on, head for the kitchen to make coffee without ever dealing with the temperature being too cold.  Or how about late at night when you have to go to the bathroom and it's freezing cold?  Put your blanket throw on, problem solved!

How about if you are a sports fan that loves attending football games, or baseball games?  Any outdoor sporting events for that matter.  You can even wear your blanket throw outdoors.  Yes, they are that versatile.  I have started to see more and more people wear them at football games during cold weather season.  It's becoming a trendy thing to do.  Now, don't get wrong, I am not one for trends.  I wear my blanket throw because of the function it provides.  But hey, if you are into trends too, another pro. 

Let me give you an idea how popular these blanket throws are now.  They even make them for dogs!  Yes!  Snuggie for dogs exist.  Hey, dogs have to stay warm too right?  When you take your dog for a walk, put the blanket throw for dogs on and make sure they are kept warm too. 

Needless to say, the possibilities are endless.  Fact of the matter is, you are wearing a lightweight blanket that functions extremely well and that's simply fantastic in my book.  Let's not forget these blankets will not break your savings as they are dirt cheap.  Great bang for the buck.  I have actually give them out as gifts to family and friends and have nothing but praise.  Everyone finds them useful.   Now you do not have to worry about getting someone a gift they may not like because lets be honest, who loves being cold?  NO ONE!  If you are interested in purchasing one, you can check out this store where I have purchased a few from in the past with great results